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Precision Health and Genomics: Indigenous Mentoring and Ethics (PrIME)
Faculty Program

A year-long peer mentoring program for Indigenous faculty
In-Person Writing Retreat:
Summer 2023
Santa Fe, NM
Virtual Meetings:
Monthly from January-December 2023

About the PrIME Faculty Program

What is PrIME?

PrIME aims to increase the number of Indigenous faculty in precision health, genomics, and ethics by using a peer-mentoring approach to support and mentor early career Indigenous faculty. This program is designed to incorporate Indigenous values and approaches when conducting scientific research. 

Why is PrIME important?

The NIH and other institutions have numerous calls for building a diverse workforce. Currently, there are no programs for Indigenous faculty working at the intersection of precision health and ethics but there are a growing number of junior scholars in this area. Personal values, social identities, and structural dynamics play a important roles in shaping career interests and retention of Indigenous scholars. To enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the biomedical sciences, we developed a research mentorship experience for Indigenous early career faculty. 

What will happen in the PrIME Faculty Program?

In this year-long program, participants will enhance mentorship skills, promote grant and manuscript writing goals, build networks and relationships, and learn strategies to prioritize their well-being and work/life balance. During the initial virtual meetings, participants will identify a writing project to pursue, and a series of writing and coaching sessions will be held throughout the year. In an in-person week-long retreat, participants will connect with each other, gain hands-on career development support and mentorship training, and promote culturally sustainable science by emphasizing the importance of Indigenous culture and values. 


This experience will introduce participants to writing strategies, organizational tools and cutting edge knowledge to investigate precision health and ethics! 


Travel and lodging to the retreat will be arranged and paid by the workshop. Faculty will receive stipends for their time. 


Monthly 1-hour virtual meetings and a weeklong faculty writing retreat in Santa Fe, NM


12-month program from January 2023 - December 2023


Workshop Organizers


Host and co-facilitator


Host and co-facilitator

The Conference
Virtual Meeting Schedle

Program Schedule

Virtual Meeting Schedule


  • Orientation 

  • Goal setting 


  • Building a successful lab and research program 


  • Implementing community-engaged and ethical approaches in precision medicine and genomics  


  • Peer-review session 


  • Identify research, writing, and personal goals 

  • Identify writing project 


  • Building mentorship skills 

  • Mentoring trainees  


  • Well-being and work/life balance 


  • Peer-review session 


  • Building and maintaining relationships and community wherever you are 


  • Building and maintaining relationships and community wherever you are 


  • Maintaining and promoting culture, values and ethics in academia 

  • Decolonization and Indigenizing of science 


  • Revisit goals from January : progress and impediments

In-Person Retreat Schedule
The dates of the in-person retreat are based on availability of participants

We will have participants arrive Sunday evening (Date TBA) and depart Saturday morning (Date TBA). There will be travel to local sites and the surrounding area.

The focus of this faculty retreat is to work on writing projects as well as to participate in the peer-mentoring sessions.








  • Participants check in at hotel 

  • Welcome

  • Goal setting

  • Writing session (half day)

  • Field trip

  • Writing session (half day)

  • Peer mentoring workshop (half day)

  • Writing session (half day)

  • Peer mentoring workshop (half day)

  • Day trip (full day) 

  • Writing session (half day)

  • Peer mentoring workshop (half day)

  • Reflection and review of goals

  • Depart for home 

In-Person Retreat


In-Person Writing Retreat:
Summer 2023
Santa Fe, NM


The organizers will be holding the in-person retreat at the Hotel Santa Fe, in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, at the city's only Native American owned hotel. The hotel offers a relaxed yet deeply reverent immersion into the art, architecture, music and language of the Pueblo people.



Who can apply?

Indigenous early career faculty working at the intersection of precision health and ethics can apply. Early career faculty are defined as PhD scientists who are in the first five years of their assistant professor positions at academic or research institutions from Indigenous backgrounds (i.e., tribal enrollment or tribal descendants).


Faculty from tribal colleges and universities are strongly encouraged to apply. 


Is travel to the retreat covered?

Yes, travel and lodging will be arranged by the Program organizers. A per diem will be provided for the retreat for each participant. 


What are the expected outcomes?

  • Outcomes will include a finished writing project from each participant, either a manuscript or grant from their respective field. Participants will work on drafts during the in-person retreat writing sessions and throughout the year with the expectation that the manuscript or grant will be submitted at the end of the program.

  • All participants will also be invited to contribute to a collaborative perspective paper that will highlight their experiences from participating in an Indigenous-centered peer mentorship program.


Is there compensation for participation?

Yes, each participant will receive a $2400 stipend for their participation in the program. 


What is the time commitment?

We ask each participant to fully immerse themselves in the 5-day faculty retreat experience (~40 hours) as well as to participate in virtual monthly meetings and informal writing sessions during the program (~20 hours). 

Apply to the PrIME Faculty Program

Deadline: January 20, 2023

Please follow the link to apply:

Prepare the following documents for your application:

  • Statement of interest (one page limit, Word or PDF format): Describe your broad research goals, career plans, and how this program experience will benefit you.

  • CV (Word or PDF format)


You may view a program flyer here:




Dr. Katrina Claw

Address: P12-7084 | 1890 N Revere Ct, Mail Stop F563, Aurora, CO 80045 
Dr. Katrina Claw is the host of the workshop. Please use the information to the right to contact her. 

Our Sponsors

UCHeath_CU Anschutz MC_CCPM Horiz 4cp.jpg

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus


Thank you to our funder

National Institutes of Health: Administrative Supplements to Recognize Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Mentorship

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